Basics of Music Logo

Exercise Type: Steps

Identify Chromatic Steps

You will see a pair of notes displayed, decide whether they are a chromatic whole step or a chromatic half step. Be aware of the clef, the score will change randomly between bass and treble clef.

Chromatic half steps should feel easy as they really just require a sense of how accidentals work. If you think of the natural note as the center, a sharp is simply up one half step, a double-sharp is up two, a flat is down one half step, and a double-flat is down two.

Also, each row on the table below is a half step apart, so to find the distance from flat to sharp (for instance), you can simply count 1 half step from flat to natural, and 1 more half step from natural to sharp. This means there are two half steps (one whole step) from flat to sharp.

Accidental Name Accidental How it works in relation to a natural note
Double Sharp Double Sharp Up two half steps
Sharp Sharp Up one half step
Natural Natural The "white-key" or "normal" note
Flat Flat Down one half step
Double Flat Double Flat Down two half steps

~ Demo Mode ~

  • Required Repetitions: 20
  • Time Limit: 10 Minutes